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Example: Fly to a certain point


This guide demonstrates how to use the flyTo function with the bkoi-gl package to animate the map to a specific location when a button is clicked.


"use client";
import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { Map, Marker } from "bkoi-gl"; // Import Package
import "bkoi-gl/dist/style/bkoi-gl.css"; // Import CSS

const MainMap = () => {
// Refs for map container and map instance
const mapContainer = useRef(null);
const map = useRef(null);

// State to manage the button click
const [mapInitialized, setMapInitialized] = useState(false);

useEffect(() => {
if (map.current) return; // Ensures map initializes only once

// Initialize the map
map.current = new Map({
container: mapContainer.current,
center: [90.39017821904588, 23.719800220780733], // Dhaka coordinates
zoom: 10,
doubleClickZoom: false,
accessToken: "YOUR_BARIKOI_API_KEY_HERE", // Replace with your Barikoi API key

// Set mapInitialized to true when the map is ready
}, []);

// Function to handle flyTo on button click
const handleFlyTo = () => {
if (map.current) {
center: [90.4, 23.8], // New coordinates to fly to
zoom: 12, // New zoom level
speed: 1, // Speed of the animation (0 to 1)
curve: 1, // The curve of the flyTo animation (0 to 1)
easing: (t) => t, // Easing function for the animation

return (
<div ref={mapContainer} style={containerStyles} />
{mapInitialized && (
<button style={buttonStyles} onClick={handleFlyTo}>
Fly to Location

// JSX Styles
const containerStyles = {
width: "100%",
height: "100vh",
minHeight: "400px",
overflow: "hidden",

const buttonStyles = {
position: "absolute",
top: "10px",
left: "10px",
padding: "10px 20px",
backgroundColor: "#007bff",
color: "#fff",
border: "none",
borderRadius: "5px",
cursor: "pointer",
zIndex: 1, // Ensure the button is above the map

export default MainMap;